Why Choose Our Trucking Virtual Assistant for Your Logistics Business?

In the fast-paced world of logistics, every second is valuable, and every resource must be used wisely to stay competitive. That is where MetroMax Solutions comes in. Our trucking virtual assistant (TVA) services are tailored to meet the unique needs of your logistics and trucking businesses. With our help, you can free up your time and focus on growing your business while we take care of all your critical tasks.

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of our TVA logistics services and why choosing MetroMax Solutions can be a game-changer for your logistics business.

What Our Trucking Virtual Assistants Can Do?

At MetroMax Solutions, our team of highly skilled and experienced TVAs are dedicated to supporting you with your success. Here is what our TVAs can assist you with:

· Settlements

Our TVAs can take care of everything related to settlements, including lumper fees, broker pre-paid/out-of-pocket fees, driver settlements, payment balances, total deductions, net payments, and more.

· Invoice Drafting

Our TVAs can draft invoices for you, including hauling fees, fuel surcharges, and accessorial fees and deductions such as tolls, com check adv, lumper com check, detention, layover, overweight, and more.

· Driver Monitoring

Our TVAs can help you keep track of your drivers’ hours of service (HOS), monitor dashcam footage, and ensure compliance with regulations and your company policies.

· Documentation

Our TVAs can handle load/dispatch data entry in your transportation management system (TMS), send BOL and RC to factoring companies, and track compliance, insurance, and maintenance for your fleet.

· Business Development

Our TVAs can reach out to shippers and brokers to help you find new business opportunities. They can also assist with digital marketing efforts, such as newsletters, blogs, and relevant articles to help you reach your target audience.

Benefits of Our Free Trucking Software Along with Our TVA

Along with our TVA services, we also provide free trucking software that can make your operations more efficient.

Here are some of the features of our free software:


Our free mobile app allows your drivers to raise an SOS if needed, and the message will be sent to all the stakeholders in your organization, monitored by our TVAs.

· Driver Location Check

You can easily check where your drivers are with just one click, without needing to call them.

· Driver mobile app

Our app lets your drivers upload receipts for things like lumper fees, detention, and tolls, making it easier for you to keep track of expenses.

Why Choose MetroMax Solutions?

· We have firsthand experience in the trucking industry, giving us a unique understanding of your needs.

· As a veteran-owned organization based in Atlanta, we are known for our reliable and professional services.

· We always have two resources available for every package, ensuring service continuity.

· Our services can help you save around $24k/year for every resource you use.

· Our services are flexible and can be easily scaled up or down based on your business needs.


In conclusion, if you want to save time and cut costs in your logistics business, hiring a virtual assistant is a smart choice. With MetroMax Solutions, you get a team of experienced trucking industry experts who understand your unique needs. Our virtual assistants can manage all your routine tasks, giving you more time to focus on growing your business.

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